Tag Archives: near+far

Online Fiction Recommendations & Publications for 3/12/2013

Here’s some pieces that I’ve particularly enjoyed over the last week, as well as pointers to some recent publications of my own.
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Five Ways to Fall In Love on Planet Porcelain

Here’s my holiday gift to you. This story was original to the collection that came out in September, Near + Far. It’s one of my favorites. Here’s the print version as well as a link to the audio version, read by me and edited by the wonderful Lauren Harris.
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Editing: How “Near” Was Arranged and Why

I blogged a couple of days ago about arranging stories and my philosophy for such arrangements. I wanted to show those principles in action by looking at the two ToCs for the book Near + Far.

As you may know, the book is divided into two parts, near future stories and far future stories. This allowed us to take advantage of the old Ace double format, where each half is one side of the book. It also meant creating two tables of contents, one for each section.

So here’s the order for the Near section, with some explication:
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Editing Anthologies and Collections: Arranging Stories

The always fabulous Jude Marie Green mailed me. Her question, which got me thinking, was: What does an editor do (besides acquire) to make the issue “come together”?

It wasn’t the first time this question’s come up, and I’ve never seen much about it, so I wanted to talk a little about the idea of arranging things. Because an ideal magazine issue or anthology isn’t just a bunch of stories in a box. In theory, at least, the editor has selected stories that resonate with each other and arranged them in a way that’s meaningful. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
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Preorder Page! Plus Some More Talking About Book Promotion Progress

Here’s some photos of the promotional jewelry created using Ice Resin and Near + Far’s interior art by Mark W. Tripp. Gorgeousness!
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Final Version of the Near + Far Covers, plus a Sneak Peek at the Promo Items

Yay! Yesterday the publisher dropped by to bring me the proof version of Near + Far. It is GORGEOUS. Absolutely GORGEOUS, managing to look modern but still have a touch of that retro, Ace Double feel. Here’s some photos of both book and the promotional jewelry. Continue reading

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Sneak Peek at Near + Far’s Cover Art

Here’s the cover art for the new collection, NEAR + FAR. Since we’re doing the tête-bêche format (if you don’t know what that is, think Ace Double), there had to be two covers, one for the NEAR side and one for the FAR side. The artist, who did a great job, is Sean Counley.
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Near+Far: Big Plans

As you may or may not know, I’ve got a short story collection coming out this fall, Near+Far. It’s all SF, and we’re using the Ace Double format for it: one side features all near-future stories; flip it over to … Continue reading

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