Tag Archives: fathomless abyss

What I’m Working On

Really pleased with the current project, a continuation and expansion of A Seed on the Wind: He took a landing towards Neryon neighborhood, a narrow outjut of stone augmented with board and rope buildings dragging at the stone, which was … Continue reading

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WIP: A Cavern Ripe With Dreams

I’m finishing up A Cavern Ripe with Dreams, the sequel to A Seed On the Wind. A version will undoubtedly go out to Patreon patrons before I start shopping the combined novellas around as a single entity.
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Nebulas 2013

The Nebulas are upon us, and if you’re a SFWA member, you’ve got until this Friday, February 15th to vote. Here’s the page for voting.

I’ve got a couple of stories I hope people will consider. One is a short story, “Five Ways to Fall in Love on Planet Porcelain,” which is available in both audio and print form on this page, and the second is a novella, A Seed On the Wind, which you can find uploaded to the SFWA fiction site.

No matter what, if you can, please vote! It’s a requisite if you want to be able to complain about the results later on. 😉
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Adventures in E-Publishing: First Book is Out!

Well, the first of the mini-books is out, HALLOWEEN QUARTET. (Non-Kindlers, don’t despair. I’m working on the Smashwords version today.)

The description: A quartet of short horror stories by fabulist Cat Rambo. Follow the mystery of “Whose Face This Is, I Do Not Know,” weep with “Niobe in the Rain,” enjoy a spoof on reality TV with “So Glad We Had This Time Together,” and fear the ancient forces exposed in “Pumpkin Knight.”

If you check out the Amazon listing, feel free to click that Like button or agree with some tags…
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Exploring Near + Far’s Interior Art: Row 4 (Giveaway Day Four)

Day Four of the giveaway and row four of the art! This week has seen some nice press for the book, including a nice Tor.com review by Stephen Raets. If you’re looking for other places to possibly score a piece of the jewelry, try David Steffen’s blog, Far Beyond Reality, or the Goodreads giveaway for Near + Far. As always, comment here to be entered in this particular giveaway!
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How Gorgeous is This Cover for A Seed On The Wind?

Look! Mats Minnhagen has finished the cover for A SEED ON THE WIND, the Fathomless Abyss novella I’ve got covering out this October. The scene’s one that occurs early in the book and gets referenced again and again throughout, so this cover, which comes so close to what was in my head, delights me with the way it conveys the space of the story.

If you don’t know what the Fathomless Abyss is, it’s a shared world project created by Philip Athans involving myself, Jay Lake, Joe McDermott, Mel Odom, Mike Resnick, and Brad Torgersen. Books out in the series already include Philip Athans’ DEVILS OF THE ENDLESS DEEP and J.M. McDermott’s NIRVANA GATES. I had a lot of fun writing “A Querulous Flute of Bone” for the TALES FROM THE FATHOMLESS ABYSS anthology and just as much fun writing this novella, which is the first half of a pair, to be finished in A CAVERN RIPE WITH DREAMS. Charles A. Tan recently talked with me about it for S.F. Signal.
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Teaser: A Seed on the Wind

Should it be “on” or “upon” the wind? I’m torn. Either way, here’s a scrap from A SEED ON THE WIND to tantalize you a little.
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So I Wrote This Novella

Back when I was first approached about the Fathomless Abyss, it involved an initial story and a later novella. Sure, I said, and whacked out a story for the first Fathomless Abyss book, TALES FROM THE FATHOMLESS ABYSS. It was “A Querulous Flute of Bone”, which I based on an O.Henry story, and which I think is one of my best stories to date. If you don’t believe me, spring for the 99 cent download and tell me if I’m wrong.
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News From the Fathomless Abyss

J.M. McDermott’s Nirvana Gates, a novella set in the world of the Fathomless Abyss, is now available for the Kindle and the Nook. If you enjoyed Tales from the Fathomless Abyss, you’ll be happy to find more set in that world.
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The merry but busy month of May is past, huzzah! Rio Hondo was awesome, and had such amazing participants (there are some pics frm it up on Facebook, if you have an account on there). I’m reworking what I have … Continue reading

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