Tag Archives: john scalzi

Do Writers Need to Blog? No.

I keep reading articles that say blogging is mandatory for writers nowadays. That agents and editors won’t take you on if you don’t already have a platform. This is hooey.

Let me repeat that. Hooey.
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Fuzzy Worship

I’m headed into the city this evening to hear John Scalzi read from Fuzzy Nation. I’ve loved the Little Fuzzy books (and I’ll note that there’s a bunch of his stuff free for e-readers) since discovering them as a teenager and found a book club edition of the first two this weekend at the thrift store. I’d forgotten what a tear jerker the first one is, and the anti-corporate message seems even more timely than usual. I haven’t read Fuzzy Nation yet, but I’m picking it up today and looking forward to it. I’m also fascinated by the idea that Scalzi’s written fan fiction – it opens up some interesting questions about that debate. Continue reading

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Notes from the Year’s Best Fantasy and Science Fiction 2010 Panel, Norwescon 34

Works mentioned in the Year’s Best Fantasy and Science Fiction 2010 Panel, Norwescon 34, Seattle, Washington, April 22, 2010. Participants: Lou Anders, Brenda Cooper, Gordon Van Gelder, Cat Rambo, Sam Sykes. Continue reading

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