Tag Archives: k.c. ball

March Recent Efforts

So much is happening — or has already — in March! Including the release of anthology IF THIS GOES ON, teaching videos, and a feminist futures Storybundle in honor of Women’s History Month. Continue reading

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For K.C.

There are so many of us who write, and so many voices that get drowned out. I want to tell you about one of them. I want to tell you about my friend K.C. Ball. She wrote short stories as … Continue reading

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Notes from the Supernatural Seattle Panel, Norwescon 34

Notes from the Supernatural Seattle panel, Norwescon 34, April 28, 2011. Participants K.C. Ball, Julie McGalliard, John Pitts, Cat Rambo, Kat RIchardson. Questions discussed include What makes Seattle particularly well suited to writing speculative fiction set in it?, What landmarks of Seattle lend themselves to spec-fic writing?, and What works other than your own are set in Seattle? Continue reading

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